“Building a zoo in the far north on the world map will give it a very different climate to a zoo built on the equator.”

“Where in the world you build your zoo matters,” Jackson explained. Planet Zoo also asks players to consider the climate of your zoo when placing habitats. Their habitat should reflect the environment in which each animal thrives: while Grizzly Bears prefer rocks and grass, African Elephants require lots of space. “Your animals will react to the habitats you build for them, so it’s not enough to only build something beautiful you’ll have to meet the needs of the animals, too,” Jackson said. Planet Zoo’s animals feel most realistic in their interactions with their surroundings. “We’re proud to say we believe Planet Zoo’s animals are the most authentic, believable animals ever featured in a video game.” “In Planet Zoo, every animal is an individual who thinks, feels and explores the world you create around them,” Jackson explained. Planet Zoo’s gameplay revolves around the well-being of your animals, who are each designed to feel robust, dynamic and, well, alive. “ Planet Coaster was our way of bringing those classic tycoon games into the modern age and introducing coaster park sims to a new audience, and we’re aiming to do that again with classic zoo management sims in Planet Zoo.” “ Planet Zoo’s world and personality shares a lot with Planet Coaster,” Game Director Piers Jackson explained. The former saw the studio returning to their roots and innovating upon the foundation they’d set with RollerCoaster Tycoon. They also made 2016’s Planet Coaster and 2018’s Jurassic World Evolution, a game that puts players in a supervisory role as the titular park goes haywire.
The studio was responsible for the highly popular RollerCoaster Tycoon series throughout the 2000s. If you’re familiar with the management simulation genre, Frontier is likely a studio you know. They’re mortal, emotional beings that will likely become the object of both your fascination and affection. In Planet Zoo, animals aren’t merely attractions that you can purchase and place around your park however you please. Enter Planet Zoo, the latest business management simulation game from Frontier.