Harmless Harvest is dedicated to generating positive feedback loops between people and plants. Harmless Harvest Coconut Water - 100 Pure Refreshing Organic Coconut Water. Harmless Harvest has helped certify over 300 farms Organic and Fair for Life in Thailand.
#Harmless harvest free
Harmless Harvest offers free healthcare to our partners through our Fair for Life initiatives, we have provided medical and vision check-ups to 776 farmers and their communities since the program’s inception, 80% of who had never received medical care. Ingredients: Cognac, Brandy, Whiskey, and/or Dark Rum (Cane Rum preferred) 12oz. It launched dairy-free yogurt alternatives in 2019.The company expects to generate over US100m in sales in 2021, Danone said. Luckily we took a vegan spin on the holiday classic Get festive with a punch bowl of Vegan Coco-Nog for your people. Harmless Harvest, set up in 2009, is best known for its coconut water. Fair for Life verifies our commitment to paying fair wages, providing decent working conditions abroad and in the USA, and reinvesting in the communities at the source. Its basically-the-holidays week and you need things to sip. Harmless Harvest is proud to be the first Fair for Life certified coconut water. Combining innovative scientific methods with local traditional farming practices, Harmless Harvest develops and manufactures products that deliver the nutritional and ethical integrity that nature intended. In 2011, we introduced the world’s first sustainably harvested, organic coconut water and are now one of the leaders of the category nationwide. Our proprietary extraction and micro-filtration. Founded in 2010, Harmless Harvest is a progressive food & beverage initiative set to demonstrate that ecosystem-based business can outcompete the.

By integrating the long term welfare of all its stakeholders - from plant to customer - Harmless Harvest Coconut Water has taken the food and beverage world by storm, rising to the top of the industry in record time. Each bottle of Harmless Harvest starts with our uniquely fragrant, organic coconuts grown in Thailand. Founded in 2010, Harmless Harvest is a progressive food & beverage initiative set to demonstrate that ecosystem-based businesses can outcompete the conventional model. Seven years later, their San Francisco-based coconut water brand, Harmless Harvest, has 300 employees, 200 of whom live in rural Thailand, where the coconuts the company uses are ethically.